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Webform Component & Webform Content

The Webform component provides a tool for placing preexisting Webforms. (Structure > Webforms) The block is intentionally simple and just takes an optional Title, and then the reference to the Webform. There are a few settings allowed for each Webform when placed on the page. This setting is useful if you'd like to 'disable' the form without removing it from the page. The component does not allow the creation of, or the updating of, a specific Webform. That functionality is controlled in the Webforms section of the site.

The Webforms functionality is fairly complicated because the system provides tools for building large complex forms. It also provides tools for saving submissions and/or sending response emails. This Handbook cannot begin to provide full instructions on how to use the Webforms. However, there is a brief intro video on the Webforms page linked above. Drupal Webforms is a widely used tool so any search on Drupal Webforms Tutorials will return a large number of resources.

A good starting point is the official handbook page on Webform.